Do you make it a point to listen to your inner child?
Some people think that once they're of a certain age, being child-like is… well, for children.
But there is a big difference between having a child-like approach to living and having child-like emotions.
What does the word child-like make you think of?
Being fully present and mindful - able to live in the moment
Joyfulness and good humor
Always ready to play, imagine, and engage
Learns through play
A carefree attitude, not worrying about the future or lamenting the past
Honesty - telling it like it is
Eternal optimism - faith, hope, and believing the best of others
Sharing emotions but not emotionally manipulating
Expressing wonder and delight at the world around you
Natural curiosity - questioning things
Keeping an open mind- accepting different opinions and points of view
Being non-judgmental. Enjoying people for their good qualities alone
Having a good nature
Being flexible and going with the flow
If your inner child wants you to loosen up and lighten up, then why not honor this?
Exercise 27: Honor your inner child.
Be grateful for the younger you who once was, and who still lives inside you.
Summon your inner child when you feel like criticizing others.
Summon your inner child when impatience rules your actions
Summon your inner child when you become rigid in your beliefs
Listen to your inner child when you meet someone new who is different from you
Listen to your inner child when he or she needs someone to listen
Listen to your inner child when you're spending time with your own children
Listen to your inner child when you're thinking about problem-solving
Listen to your inner child when there's an opportunity to learn something
Journal It.
You were a child once. What were you like as a kid?
Write about the child you were. What were your favorite things to do? What types of thoughts did you have?
Who was your best friend? What did you like about him or her?
What were you good at, as a child? What was your personality, your beliefs?
Compare the adult you are today to the child you once were.
Is it possible for you to meet your inner child halfway? How?
May You Be Well